Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Ants Go Marching Two by Two

Upon arriving at our new home Elaina and I noticed we had some friends who also thought it would be fun to room with us; a lot of new friends. Our new friends are ants.

We began to find them increasingly as the week went on. One morning we woke up, and looked down at the floor. Realizing that there were ants everywhere we began to kill them while still trying to lay in our beds. I'm sure it was quite a spectacle. Shoes, and angry words flying, the number of ants began to dwindle down. Later that day we had a friend over when we noticed that the ants were back and again we got to it killing the ants by the hundreds (okay that might be a slight exaggeration). We mentioned to him jokingly while smashing the ants that it had become a new game that we like to play... often.

After the events of that day, we decided we really needed to get proactive and come up with more long term solution. The ants got sucked up by a vacuum hose, blasted with bleach, smashed with shoes and drowned out with pine-sol. You would think that they had disappeared by now, right? Wrong.

For the most part they have vanished; around the house I only see one or two a day, but the kitchen is a whole different story. They are everywhere: on the counter, in the sink, on the floor, in the dish rack, etc. I have repeatedly used all the methods stated above, but it has yet to be as effective as I would like.

...this is not the end. I may have lost the Kitchen Battle, but mark my words, I will win the war.


  1. Suggestion, you can get ant blocker at home depot or something that you spray around the openings of your house that keeps them out.

  2. we didn't buy ant killer because we're broke college students haha

  3. Well I guess that makes sense lol
